"Becoming a Triangle Doctor"
A complete chapter from Relationship Triangles: The One, Two Three of Psychotherapy
(Guerin, Fogarty, Fay & Kautto - Guilford Press, 1996).
This book is the product of more than a hundred years of the authors' combined clinical experience with families, couples, and individuals, of many hours spent refining the concepts of family systems theory and developing treatment protocols that evolve from the theory. Over the years the authors found the concept of the relationship triangle to be both the most challenging to refine as a concept and to translate into methods of clinical intervention.
This book begins with the evolution of the concept of the triangle and brings the reader through the structure, process and function of the triangle, types of triangles and how to work with them and concludes with the chapter we've posted here, "Becoming a Triangle Doctor", a summary of treatment methods for working with triangles.